Danny 'Marina' Owston

Oct 25, 20199 min

Organic reach is OVER party👎 Here's 20 reasons for 2020 why your brand needs PPC advertising

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

It's no secret that organic reach on social media is on the decline on the gram. And you know what, I welcome it mate.

And before you get all worked up about how it's not fair that Instagram took all my organic reach, remember two things.

It is free to use anyway so you can't complain ⏹️

And more importantly, that's the point of every social media platform... they look to build a massive user base and give you an outrageous organic reach for FREE then they monetise by pushing paid ads into the ecosystem. The same way you build a business to sell your products and services to the world.

And how do platforms like Facebook, Google, Instagram and Twitter drive business use? starve organic reach bit by bit and push users to the paid model. It's pretty simple.

So what are your options?

A) Cry 😭 Tell everyone how your posts aren't being shown and BEG them to go and PLEASE like everything you've ever done.


B) Advertise if you want more reach. Utilise the power of social media amplification to put your brand where it should be. Care about what you are putting out and care about your audience.

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Paying to be in front of the potential customers in the niches you deliver products and services too. The more your brand is willing to pay (per click), the higher up the search rankings your advertising will be placed.

Paying for your business to get in front of the people that matter means you cut straight to the point - if the product or service is good enough, your landing page works and your PPC agency is on-point, people will buy, convert into new leads and you will get a tonne of brand awareness. Every campaign teaches us a lesson every business needs to hear. So we listen and we improve for next time.


You can jump on the next social media platform that's popping. Platforms like Tiktok and LinkedIn are giving you an AMAZING deal on organic reach right now. Learn how to storytell on these platforms.

When you have done that, pay to reach more people.

If you become a thought leader on the new social media platforms of 2020, then you get to keep all of the brand equity you built up as they move to more advertising on their platforms and their organic reach drops, or attention drifts elsewhere.

Tiktok especially can teach us a lot about what GEN Z is up to and how we can use AI and AR in our storytelling efforts.

The point is do the latter two mate, but don't complain. Adapt.

Platforms like IG have built many massive brands over the last few years, and they all definitely use paid search to acquire customers now because they understand how underpriced attention on the platform is - Gymshark and Kylie Cosmetics springs to mind. So be like them. And if you want a real key insight as to how they market, check out Facebook ad library, reverse engineer what works and test it against your audience.

Paid social media amplification and PPC is where it's at in 2020.

You literally get to jump the queue and get right in front of the EXACT people that are searching for what you offer. You can even retarget the people that have already been on your site who have not yet purchased across social media.


Here are 20 reasons why PPC and paid social amplification are definitely a good idea in 2020 for businesses of all sizes. You know it makes sense.

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1. You can get right in front of the people that matter.

2. You can fast-track your way up the search engine rankings.

3. Paid ad spend is a great way to test what your audience responds best to.

4. You can be location specific, that means you can be very creative with your ads.

5. Boost brand awareness.

6. You can get your offers, sales and launches to a massive market in a very short space of time.

7. Results are trackable.

8. You campaigns can be specific to the platforms they go out on.

9. PPC funnels traffic to your offers who have intent to buy

10. Results are immediate.

11. It is much more smart then any other form of advertising.

12. There is more attention on social media then anything in the world right now.

13. Your competition uses it. The end.

14. It's real time, straight to consumer advertising. And it works.

15. 99% of businesses do social media marketing terribly. You don't need to be like that.

16. PPC helps you establish authority in your niche.

17. Paid ads generate conversations around your brand. Tag a friend? Exactly.

18. social media amplification helps us perfect the art of social listening.

19. Tell your story to the world. The best marketers are the best storytellers.

20. Keep your customers up to date.

No brainer.

Let's break this down.

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1. You get in front of people that matter. PPC can get you in front of people who WANT what you already sell now. Buyer intent is a real thing. Let me give you an example of the difference between being generic and getting in front of people who want to buy.

Generic keywords;


Polaroid camera

Disposable camera

Instant camera

The keywords your ads want to be targeting.

Buy Sony a7iii

Sony a7riii price

Best value for money camera

You see the difference in buyer intent. EXACTLY.

I really want you to think about intentional words people are searching for, words like; buy, best, top etc then add these into your PPC campaigns.

Now apply this to whatever your business does. And be creative to draw people in for social media ads. Tools like Google keyword planner will help. This is how we maximise ROI.

If you don't advertise, someone who does will get your sale.

"There's a bag if I'm involved"

2. SEO takes time and it is a long term investment in your brand to position yourself at the top of search engines. That matters. It should form a key part of your business strategy. So how does paid search compliment this? While you are building your long-term business structure, PPC and paid social media ads will get you in front of potential customers now.

What are you waiting for.

3. Testing helps us understand our audience better. Much like your organic posts on social media and your website stats, your paid ad spend gives us a tonne of vital data that helps us create better relationships and improve our business. PPC will help you understand what pictures and videos your audience responds well to, what copy works well for specific types of posts, and crucially, whether the landing page or product we are sending customers to actually converts.

All of this info helps us make better ads, get to know our audience better and establishes your tone of voice. Quality and quantity matters.

4. Location, location, location. Vital for both national and international brands and local businesses alike.

For example, Nike have a very articulate way of advertising one way in London and another of advertising in Osaka. Their campaigns are super-nuanced to the audiences they are in front of. Campaigns are driven by data and start conversations that people connect with.

That's how your business should be acting.

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Now targeting LOCAL clients is extremely powerful and ideal if you are a local service provider, restaurant, bar, etc. You can get in front of the people you need to be in front of and that of course, is crucial to your business growth. Get in touch for some help on how to do this.

5. Boosts brand awareness - brand > anything. Your reputation online matters, and being at the top of search engines and across social media presents an image that you care about your brand and audience and that you are an authority business. So use ads as an opportunity to tell your story to the world.

6. You can get in front of a massive amount of potential customers in a very short space of time. Pretty self-explanatory really, but using a laser targeted research, great copywriting and amazing creative works. The bigger your ad spend, the more people you reach.

7. Results are trackable. So always start by testing what works and testing that your offer page can convert leads. Then scale up your ads. PPC and social media ads are great because everything is trackable, you will be able to see how many leads you are getting, what offers work best and how many sales you are getting. Then you evolve and grow further.

8. Your campaigns can be specific to the platforms they go out on. This one is super important and a massive reason why brands often fail when it comes to advertising themselves.

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What works best on Google is not also going to work exactly the same on Instagram, they are two separate platforms and should be respected as such.

Google is a much easier way to directly sell using keyword research and customer acquisition targeting.

On IG some great creative and copy is the difference between someone caring, and someone scrolling on.

9. PPC funnels traffic to your offers who have intent to buy - simple. If you are trying to sell, specifically target those who are in the market to buy. Or your rivals will.

10. Results are immediate - I highly recommend starting with multiple pieces of creative and copywriting when you advertise on social media, and multiple different target audiences and keyword strings when you advertise on Google.

Pro tip - start with a smaller budget on each, see what works and increase the spend on those. You'd be amazed how many people use one advert and expect it to sell the same way to everyone.

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11. PPC is advertising 10.0.Think about it. If you sell vintage handbags to women in New York... would you a) rather run a PPC campaign on Google to women in that exact demographic searching for products like yours, or a cool piece of creative on Insta that jumps out in their feed, or b) Run a radio ad to anyone and nobody, with no targeting and no real results.

12. We all use social media. With billions of active users on the major platforms you simply need to be part of the conversation if you want to grow your brand.

13. Your competition uses it. Say no more. They use PPC for a reason, it works.

14. It's real time - advertising, like your Social strategy, web content and everything else you do in business, is a real, moving thing, that's constantly evolving. By advertising we learn, we bring value and we grow our business. It's one of the smartest investments you will make in 2020.

15. 99% of businesses do social media marketing terribly. Like it is really bad.

Social media is a place to start conversations, not aimlessly sell to nobody. You need a marketing expert on your team. When business owners posts, they tend to think people care about their carpet cleaning business because they do rather than thinking of they can add value to the platforms they are on and what their audience wants to see.

Want them to buy? Care. Give. Provide value. Build relationships.

16. Establish your authority in your niche. Whether you give out discounts, give away free tips or develop some great videos that matter in your niche, always lead by giving to your customers. You would be amazed how few people do this.

17. Spark the conversation. Always involve your business in relevant topics to your industry. That's how we become a power player and get attention on our movement. Paid amplification matters here.

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18. Social listening. I will say it again, wheel it up...

Social listening.

The biggest brands are perfecting this art every day, and social listening will help you too. That means we can use hashtags around our niche on IG to see what's working well, read comments and respond to feedback and use platforms like Twitter trends to see what people care about that matter to us. Then we create ad campaigns around what we already know works.

19. Tell your story to the world. I started my first business on my phone in my bedroom, whilst I was unemployed and struggling to work out what to do with my life. I had a vision nobody else saw yet. That resonates with people. In your next ad campaign, I want you to think about how you can tell your story to the world.

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20. Keep your customers up to date. This is really important. You already know that in order to complete a sale, you need to touch base with potential customers multiple times. So by using PPC and paid social media spend to keep your audience and lookalike audiences unto date, you will position your brand in a better place in 2020.

There you have it guys, I really hope this articulate brought you a lot of value. PPC and paid social media campaigns are not only needed for every business, they are a must in 2020 if you want to grow your reach.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Feel free to drop us a line, or holla if you need any help.

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